To understand why dental implants are the best artificial tooth replacement option, it helps to explain the effects of missing teeth. Your teeth and jawbones are constructed to work as a whole unit, providing you with a strong bite so you can chew your food thoroughly. The bone in both jawbones was built to absorb and distribute the stresses of chewing. This stress is needed to keep the bone strong and healthy. Remove one tooth and many changes begin to take place.
First, when you’re missing a tooth, the supporting bone no longer gets its usual stimulation and becomes narrower and thinner. The teeth on either side of the missing tooth don’t have their usual support so they may loosen and shift into the open space. The opposite tooth in the other jaw begins to lengthen, extending into the same open space. Because you are missing a tooth (or more than one), you’re less able to chew your food thoroughly. Your biting strength also reduces. The poorly chewed food you swallow is harder to digest and you may receive less nutrition from what you eat. Alternatively, you may have to select softer foods and skip the treats you really enjoy, such as a juicy steak.
Years later, accumulated bone loss from multiple missing teeth can make a person’s lower face structure shrink and collapse. This can dramatically change a person’s appearance and make them look older than they are.
Replacing missing teeth with dental implants is the best way to protect the soundness of your facial bone and your remaining teeth. They also provide the best quality of life, preserving your ability to chew and, of course, your youthful appearance. Why? Just like a natural tooth, your new implant will distribute biting and chewing forces throughout the jawbone, helping to keep that bone strong. And implants provide support for opposing and adjacent teeth. You also won’t have to fuss with a partial or complete denture, and adjacent teeth won’t need to be drilled to support a bridge.
If you’re currently missing teeth, wearing a full or partial denture or have bridges, please call our Laurel, Maryland office today for a free consultation with Dr. Garland Davis so we can show you how permanent, fixed dental implants can protect your bone integrity and maintain your appearance.