Only about half of the adult population in the United States goes to the dentist every six months. To be clear, six months is the recommended lapse between dental appointments. So, this means that only half of the population is following this recommendation.
If you're among the many who don't go to your local dental office every six months, it's time to change that. The dentist is 20707 is going to cover some major facts that you need to know about your dental health. And, if you're local to the area, you can have a chance to visit the best dentist in Laurel, MD.
But, first, let's talk about supporting our dental health.
We know you remember all of the tools and devices that dentists use to clean your teeth. They may look scary to some, but they're helpful for all. And, they help the dentist get a deeper clean.
All of those tools and devices work much better than the toothbrush, floss, and mouthwash that you (hopefully) have at home.
This means that seeing your local dentist can help you fight plaque buildup and tartar development. It can even help prevent cavities.
If the bacteria in your mouth build up for too long, it could lead to a lot of nasty things. By taking the time to visit a dentist like the dentist in Laural, MD, you're helping yourself reach optimal health.
Did we mention that that search for a "dental office near me" can get you protection from gum disease, too? Just like we explained before, dentists can help scrape off all of the tartar that's building up.
If it goes unnoticed, the tartar can cause irritation and erosion along the gumline. First, this causes gingivitis which occurs with inflammation and redness. Over time, it will turn into gum disease.
Gum disease can lead to the development of ulcerations, consistent bleeding, and even the loss of teeth. Yikes!
Once you start seeing signs of advanced gum disease, it may be too late.
But, if you go to the dental office in Laurel, MD (or a local dental office near you), you can catch this before it gets out of hand. Your dentist will be able to spot warning signs and help you reverse the problem before it starts causing irreversible damage.
Your local dentist can also determine habits that you may need to adjust at home. They can spot signs of smoking, bulimia, teeth grinding, and more. And, they can get the help that you need.
Oral cancer is more common than you may think. In fact, the lifetime prevalence statistic is 1 in 60 for men and 1 in 140 for women.
Imagine if you were the one. Without going to the dentist, you'd never know.
If oral cancer has the opportunity to progress without treatment, the patient could be at risk for serious complications. And, that patient could even die from the condition.
However, by going to regular dentist appointments, you can avoid all of this trouble.
First, caring for your teeth regularly at home and at the dental office can reduce your risk for oral cancer. Second, your local dentist will be able to discover the warning signs of oral cancer before it has a chance to develop into something more serious.
With an early diagnosis, your dentist can treat your oral cancer easily.
Dentists do more than look at your teeth. They also check your head, neck, and lymph nodes.
During their full examination, your dentist is looking for any signs of illnesses that may be lurking under your tongue. Literally, some of these signs could be hiding right under there.
They look at your thyroid gland, your uvula, your tonsils, and more.
If you don't take the time to see your dentist, you could be letting an illness fester. And, over time, illnesses only become worse.
Even if you're young and healthy, you should get checked out. You never know what the dentist may find during your examination.
Your dentist is going to look at your mouth, head, neck, teeth, tongue, and more. But, this isn't enough, at least not with the naked eye.
Each dentist performs dental x-rays regularly. Depending on your age and pre-existing conditions, your x-ray schedule will differ from other patients' schedules.
With these x-rays, your dentist can see if there are any problems happening below the gum line. And, they can make sure that your jawline is developing normally.
One of the most common problems that dentists see is impacted teeth. This happens when one tooth is pushing into another.
But, they can see so much more than this. They can see bone decay, cysts, tumors, swelling, and more.
By going to the dentist and getting these x-rays regularly, you're making sure that your teeth are healthy inside and out. Plus, these films can help your dentist get an early look into any illness that may be developing.
All in all, your dentist will get a complete look. And, with their technology and tools, your teeth will be looking (and feeling) better than ever.
Before making your choice, ask each dentist if they offer any financing options. If they offer financing options, you can develop a manageable payment plan. These practices are dedicated to ensuring their patients receive the treatment they need.
Trust us. You want and need to go to the dentist. Future you will thank you when his/her teeth remain healthy for a long time.
Regularly going to the dentist takes less than two hours a year. Your dental health and overall being are worth spending these two hours in front of your local dentist.
Besides, you may get a new toothbrush, shiny floss, and flavored toothpaste.
Now that we've helped you make up your mind, it's time to choose the right dentist for you.
If you're trying to find a dentist in 20707, it's time to stop searching for a "dentist near me" or a "dentist around me." We know the best dentist in the Laurel, MD area, and it's time to make an appointment.